Employed Civilian 16+ by Occupation: Personal Care/Svc

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Employed Civilian 16+ by Occupation: Personal Care/Svc

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 5, 2024trentonhealthteam.thehcn.net

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0 - 23
23 - 68
68 - 131
131 - 182
182 - 324
0.00 - 1.26
1.26 - 2.81
2.81 - 4.88
4.88 - 7.26
7.26 - 12.61
Census Place (City)sort column Personssort column%sort column
Trenton 806 2.20%
Statesort column Personssort column%sort column
New Jersey 125,345 2.66%
Countysort column Personssort column%sort column
Mercer 5,096 2.70%
Census Tractsort column Personssort column%sort column
34021000100 2 0.21%
34021000200 37 2.29%
34021000300 89 3.66%
34021000400 15 0.54%
34021000500 94 4.39%
34021000600 10 0.45%
34021000700 12 0.58%
34021000800 13 0.98%
34021000900 68 4.60%
34021001000 2 0.20%
34021001101 37 4.13%
34021001102 131 9.98%
34021001200 15 0.88%
34021001300 29 1.92%
34021001401 9 0.60%
34021001402 50 7.26%
34021001500 14 1.23%
34021001600 6 1.24%
34021001700 6 0.41%
34021001800 15 0.78%
34021001900 75 12.61%
34021002000 44 6.73%
34021002100 20 0.87%
34021002200 13 0.53%
34021002500 121 3.58%
34021002601 110 4.41%
34021002602 175 6.96%
34021002701 37 1.52%
34021002702 151 3.96%
34021002800 27 0.77%
34021002902 107 4.88%
34021002903 39 1.76%
34021002904 119 4.35%
34021003001 87 2.96%
34021003002 37 1.26%
34021003003 166 5.49%
34021003004 123 4.27%
34021003006 99 3.26%
34021003007 89 4.62%
34021003008 18 0.68%
34021003009 91 3.31%
34021003100 20 0.92%
34021003201 160 4.46%
34021003202 111 3.86%
34021003301 121 3.34%
34021003303 103 2.49%
34021003304 7 0.72%
34021003400 22 2.31%
34021003500 102 3.03%
34021003601 28 1.52%
34021003602 63 4.64%
34021003703 180 6.41%
34021003704 27 1.86%
34021003706 18 0.99%
34021003707 10 1.68%
34021003708 167 6.18%
34021003800 182 5.95%
34021003902 22 1.99%
34021003903 17 1.22%
34021003904 23 0.77%
34021003905 41 1.55%
34021004000 6 0.19%
34021004203 43 2.07%
34021004204 39 1.35%
34021004205 12 0.47%
34021004206 27 1.95%
34021004306 31 1.08%
34021004307 3 0.09%
34021004309 120 4.07%
34021004311 102 2.42%
34021004312 7 0.38%
34021004313 29 1.18%
34021004314 44 1.46%
34021004315 6 0.33%
34021004316 86 3.54%
34021004403 106 3.54%
34021004404 324 6.85%
34021004406 86 3.22%
34021004407 46 1.16%
34021004408 48 1.96%
34021004409 35 1.48%
34021004501 65 2.81%
34021004502 5 1.23%
34021980000 0 0.00%

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.