Employed Civilian 16+ by Occupation Group: Service and Farm

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Employed Civilian 16+ by Occupation Group: Service and Farm

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 8, 2024trentonhealthteam.thehcn.net

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1 - 193
193 - 373
373 - 566
566 - 748
748 - 1,062
3.45 - 9.12
9.12 - 17.04
17.04 - 25.22
25.22 - 34.28
34.28 - 50.00
Census Place (City)sort column Personssort column%sort column
Trenton 10,451 28.51%
Statesort column Personssort column%sort column
New Jersey 687,171 14.56%
Countysort column Personssort column%sort column
Mercer 31,214 16.56%
Census Tractsort column Personssort column%sort column
34021000100 212 22.43%
34021000200 545 33.79%
34021000300 705 28.96%
34021000400 886 32.10%
34021000500 621 28.98%
34021000600 489 21.91%
34021000700 800 38.83%
34021000800 507 38.26%
34021000900 373 25.22%
34021001000 250 24.39%
34021001101 150 16.76%
34021001102 486 37.04%
34021001200 276 16.25%
34021001300 345 22.79%
34021001401 314 20.84%
34021001402 193 28.01%
34021001500 336 29.58%
34021001600 62 12.78%
34021001700 506 34.28%
34021001800 529 27.54%
34021001900 290 48.74%
34021002000 254 38.84%
34021002100 624 27.28%
34021002200 697 28.17%
34021002500 837 24.74%
34021002601 716 28.69%
34021002602 566 22.50%
34021002701 526 21.66%
34021002702 748 19.60%
34021002800 1,062 30.29%
34021002902 454 20.70%
34021002903 266 11.99%
34021002904 442 16.17%
34021003001 466 15.87%
34021003002 400 13.57%
34021003003 542 17.92%
34021003004 474 16.46%
34021003006 456 15.03%
34021003007 310 16.09%
34021003008 364 13.70%
34021003009 314 11.42%
34021003100 496 22.90%
34021003201 827 23.06%
34021003202 420 14.62%
34021003301 312 8.62%
34021003303 333 8.04%
34021003304 42 4.30%
34021003400 145 15.23%
34021003500 546 16.20%
34021003601 244 13.22%
34021003602 285 21.00%
34021003703 618 22.00%
34021003704 107 7.38%
34021003706 255 13.97%
34021003707 69 11.60%
34021003708 364 13.47%
34021003800 417 13.63%
34021003902 115 10.40%
34021003903 143 10.24%
34021003904 299 10.01%
34021003905 162 6.11%
34021004000 315 10.04%
34021004203 208 10.00%
34021004204 106 3.66%
34021004205 94 3.72%
34021004206 74 5.35%
34021004306 172 6.01%
34021004307 125 3.66%
34021004309 406 13.77%
34021004311 385 9.12%
34021004312 209 11.27%
34021004313 103 4.21%
34021004314 188 6.23%
34021004315 62 3.45%
34021004316 173 7.13%
34021004403 398 13.28%
34021004404 806 17.04%
34021004406 520 19.50%
34021004407 479 12.08%
34021004408 211 8.60%
34021004409 297 12.58%
34021004501 272 11.77%
34021004502 18 4.43%
34021980000 1 50.00%

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.