Renter-Occupied Housing Units: Median Length of Residence

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Renter-Occupied Housing Units: Median Length of Residence

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 8,

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2.5 - 5.0
5.0 - 5.9
5.9 - 6.6
6.6 - 8.1
Census Place (City)sort column Yearssort column
Trenton 6.4
Statesort column Yearssort column
New Jersey 6.1
Countysort column Yearssort column
Mercer 6.2
Census Tractsort column Yearssort column
34021000100 5.8
34021000200 6.8
34021000300 6.8
34021000400 6.4
34021000500 6.7
34021000600 5.0
34021000700 6.4
34021000800 6.2
34021000900 6.6
34021001000 6.5
34021001101 7.6
34021001102 6.0
34021001200 6.8
34021001300 5.9
34021001401 7.0
34021001402 5.6
34021001500 6.4
34021001600 6.9
34021001700 5.5
34021001800 6.3
34021001900 6.0
34021002000 5.4
34021002100 6.6
34021002200 6.3
34021002500 5.7
34021002601 6.4
34021002602 6.0
34021002701 6.9
34021002702 6.2
34021002800 6.4
34021002902 6.9
34021002903 6.1
34021002904 6.3
34021003001 6.3
34021003002 4.8
34021003003 6.1
34021003004 7.1
34021003006 6.3
34021003007 8.1
34021003008 6.3
34021003009 6.5
34021003100 6.5
34021003201 6.0
34021003202 6.3
34021003301 6.0
34021003303 5.4
34021003304 6.6
34021003400 6.6
34021003500 6.7
34021003601 6.9
34021003602 6.4
34021003703 4.9
34021003704 4.6
34021003706 4.6
34021003707 5.6
34021003708 5.4
34021003800 3.9
34021003902 6.3
34021003903 5.9
34021003904 6.4
34021003905 4.3
34021004000 5.8
34021004203 5.9
34021004204 6.0
34021004205 5.3
34021004206 5.4
34021004306 6.5
34021004307 6.3
34021004309 4.5
34021004311 6.4
34021004312 7.0
34021004313 5.1
34021004314 6.0
34021004315 6.5
34021004316 6.9
34021004403 6.9
34021004404 4.2
34021004406 6.4
34021004407 6.3
34021004408 5.4
34021004409 6.7
34021004501 5.4
34021004502 6.4
34021980000 2.5

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.