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Health / Alcohol & Drug Use
Health / Alcohol & Drug Use Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults who Binge Drink checked checked checked checked
Adults who Drink Excessively not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Death Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Death Rate due to Drug Poisoning not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Cancer
Health / Cancer Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults with Cancer checked checked checked checked
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Breast Cancer not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Cancer not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Colorectal Cancer not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Lung Cancer not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Prostate Cancer not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
All Cancer Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Breast Cancer Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Cancer: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Cervical Cancer Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Cervical Cancer Screening: 21-65 checked checked checked checked
Colon Cancer Screening checked checked checked checked
Colon Cancer Screening: USPSTF Recommendation checked checked checked checked
Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Lung and Bronchus Cancer Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Mammogram in Past 2 Years: 50-74 checked checked checked checked
Mammography Screening: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Oral Cavity and Pharynx Cancer Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Pap Test in Past 3 Years: 21-65 checked not checked  not checked  checked
Prostate Cancer Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / County Health Rankings
Health / County Health Rankings Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Clinical Care Ranking not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health Behaviors Ranking not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Morbidity Ranking not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Mortality Ranking not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Physical Environment Ranking not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Social and Economic Factors Ranking not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Diabetes
Health / Diabetes Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults 20+ with Diabetes not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Adults with Diabetes checked not checked  checked checked
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Diabetes checked checked not checked  not checked 
Diabetes: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Diabetic Monitoring: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Family Planning
Health / Family Planning Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Teen Birth Rate: 15-17 not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Health Care Access & Quality
Health / Health Care Access & Quality Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults who have had a Routine Checkup checked checked checked checked
Adults with Health Insurance checked checked not checked  not checked 
Adults without Health Insurance checked checked checked checked
Children with Health Insurance checked checked not checked  not checked 
Medicare Healthcare Costs not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Non-Physician Primary Care Provider Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Persons with Health Insurance not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Persons with Private Health Insurance Only checked checked not checked  not checked 
Persons with Public Health Insurance Only checked checked not checked  not checked 
Preventable Hospital Stays: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Primary Care Provider Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Health Information Technology
Health / Health Information Technology Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Households with an Internet Subscription checked checked checked checked
Households with One or More Types of Computing Devices checked checked checked checked
Persons with an Internet Subscription checked checked checked checked
Health / Heart Disease & Stroke
Health / Heart Disease & Stroke Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults who Experienced a Stroke checked checked checked checked
Adults who Experienced Coronary Heart Disease checked checked checked checked
Adults who Have Taken Medications for High Blood Pressure checked checked checked checked
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke) checked checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Heart Attack not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Heart Disease checked checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Hypertensive Heart Disease checked checked not checked  not checked 
Atrial Fibrillation: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Cholesterol Test History checked checked checked checked
Heart Failure: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
High Blood Pressure Prevalence checked checked checked checked
High Cholesterol Prevalence: Past 5 Years checked checked checked checked
Hyperlipidemia: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Hypertension: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Ischemic Heart Disease: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Stroke: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Influenza and Pneumonia checked checked not checked  not checked 
COVID-19 Daily Average Case-Fatality Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
COVID-19 Daily Average Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Flu Vaccinations: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Persons Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19 not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Pneumonia Vaccinations: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Tuberculosis Incidence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Babies with Low Birthweight checked checked not checked  not checked 
Babies with Very Low Birthweight checked checked not checked  not checked 
Infant Mortality Rate checked checked not checked  not checked 
Mothers who Received Early Prenatal Care checked checked not checked  not checked 
Mothers who Received No Prenatal Care checked checked not checked  not checked 
Preterm Births checked checked not checked  not checked 
Very Preterm Births checked checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders
Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults Ever Diagnosed with Depression checked checked checked checked
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Suicide checked checked not checked  not checked 
Depression: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Frequent Mental Distress not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Mental Health Provider Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days checked checked checked checked
Poor Mental Health: Average Number of Days not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Mortality Data
Health / Mortality Data Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Age-Adjusted Death Rate checked checked not checked  not checked 
Life Expectancy not checked  checked not checked  checked
Health / Oral Health
Health / Oral Health Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults 65+ with Total Tooth Loss checked checked checked checked
Adults who Visited a Dentist checked checked checked checked
Dentist Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Other Conditions
Health / Other Conditions Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults with Arthritis checked checked checked checked
Adults with Kidney Disease checked checked checked checked
Chronic Kidney Disease: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Osteoporosis: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Physical Activity
Health / Physical Activity Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults 20+ who are Sedentary not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Adults who are Sedentary checked not checked  checked checked
Health / Prevention & Safety
Health / Prevention & Safety Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Firearms not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Unintentional Injuries checked checked not checked  not checked 
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Unintentional Poisonings checked checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Respiratory Diseases
Health / Respiratory Diseases Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults with COPD checked checked checked checked
Adults with Current Asthma checked checked checked checked
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases checked checked not checked  not checked 
Asthma: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
COPD: Medicare Population not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Sexually Transmitted Infections
Health / Sexually Transmitted Infections Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Chlamydia Cases checked checked not checked  not checked 
Gonorrhea Cases checked checked not checked  not checked 
HIV Prevalence Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Syphilis Cases checked checked not checked  not checked 
Health / Tobacco Use
Health / Tobacco Use Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults who Smoke checked checked checked checked
Health / Weight Status
Health / Weight Status Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Adults 20+ Who Are Obese not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Adults Who Are Obese checked not checked  checked checked
Health / Wellness & Lifestyle
Health / Wellness & Lifestyle Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Frequent Physical Distress not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Insufficient Sleep checked checked checked checked
Poor Physical Health: 14+ Days checked checked checked checked
Poor Physical Health: Average Number of Days not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Self-Reported General Health Assessment: Poor or Fair checked checked checked checked
Community / Civic Engagement
Community / Civic Engagement Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Voter Turnout: Presidential Election not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Community / Crime & Crime Prevention
Community / Crime & Crime Prevention Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Homicide not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Violent Crime Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Community / Demographics
Community / Demographics Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
All-Age Birth Rate checked checked not checked  not checked 
Average Household Size checked checked checked checked
Foreign Born Persons checked checked checked checked
Population Over Age 65 (Count) not checked  checked checked checked
Veteran Population checked checked checked checked
Community / Public Safety
Community / Public Safety Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Motor Vehicle Collisions checked checked not checked  not checked 
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Community / Social Environment
Community / Social Environment Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Children in Single-Parent Households checked checked checked checked
Linguistic Isolation checked checked checked checked
People 65+ Living Alone checked checked checked checked
People 65+ Living Alone (Count) not checked  checked checked checked
Social Associations not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Substantiated Child Abuse Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Community / Transportation
Community / Transportation Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Mean Travel Time to Work checked checked checked checked
Solo Drivers with a Long Commute not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Workers Commuting by Public Transportation checked checked checked checked
Workers who Drive Alone to Work checked checked checked checked
Economy / Employment
Economy / Employment Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Employer Establishments not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Female Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force checked checked checked checked
Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force checked checked checked checked
Size of Labor Force checked checked not checked  not checked 
Total Employment not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Total Employment Change not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Unemployed Veterans checked checked checked checked
Unemployed Workers in Civilian Labor Force checked checked not checked  not checked 
Economy / Food Insecurity
Economy / Food Insecurity Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Child Food Insecurity Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Food Insecure Children Likely Ineligible for Assistance not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Food Insecurity Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Households Receiving SNAP with Children checked checked checked checked
Households Receiving SNAP with Children (Count) not checked  checked checked checked
Projected Child Food Insecurity Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Projected Food Insecurity Rate not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Students Eligible for the Free Lunch Program not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Economy / Government Assistance
Economy / Government Assistance Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Households with Cash Public Assistance Income checked checked checked checked
Education / Childcare & Early Childhood Education
Education / Childcare & Early Childhood Education Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Child Care Centers not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Education / Educational Attainment
Education / Educational Attainment Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
People 25+ with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher checked checked checked checked
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher checked checked checked checked
Veterans with a High School Diploma or Higher checked checked checked checked
Education / School Environment
Education / School Environment Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Student-to-Teacher Ratio not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Environmental Health / Air
Environmental Health / Air Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Annual Ozone Air Quality not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Annual Particle Pollution not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Recognized Carcinogens Released into Air not checked  checked checked not checked 
Environmental Health / Built Environment
Environmental Health / Built Environment Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Access to Exercise Opportunities not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Access to Parks not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Children with Low Access to a Grocery Store not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Children with Low Access to a Grocery Store (% of Total Pop) not checked  not checked  not checked  checked
Farmers Market Density not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Fast Food Restaurant Density not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Food Environment Index not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Grocery Store Density not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Households with No Car and Low Access to a Grocery Store not checked  checked not checked  checked
Low-Income and Low Access to a Grocery Store not checked  checked not checked  checked
People 65+ with Low Access to a Grocery Store not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
People 65+ with Low Access to a Grocery Store (% of Total Pop) not checked  not checked  not checked  checked
Proximity to Highways not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Recreation and Fitness Facilities not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
WIC Certified Stores not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Environmental Health / Toxins & Contaminants
Environmental Health / Toxins & Contaminants Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Blood Lead Levels in Children (>=5 micrograms per deciliter) not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
PBT Released not checked  checked checked not checked 
Environmental Health / Weather & Climate
Environmental Health / Weather & Climate Census Place (City) County Zip Code Census Tract
Daily Dose of UV Irradiance not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Months of Mild Drought or Worse not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Number of Extreme Heat Days not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Number of Extreme Heat Events not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Number of Extreme Precipitation Days not checked  checked not checked  not checked 
Weeks of Moderate Drought or Worse not checked  checked not checked  not checked