Median Household Income

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Median Household Income

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 3,

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$22,881 - $58,569
$58,569 - $99,328
$99,328 - $150,521
$150,521 - $239,017
$239,017 - $375,000
Census Place (City)sort column Dollarssort column
Trenton $43,646
Statesort column Dollarssort column
New Jersey $96,278
Countysort column Dollarssort column
Mercer $92,531
Census Tractsort column Dollarssort column
34021000100 $39,542
34021000200 $45,127
34021000300 $54,825
34021000400 $34,672
34021000500 $47,750
34021000600 $63,917
34021000700 $56,461
34021000800 $55,833
34021000900 $42,383
34021001000 $22,881
34021001101 $30,337
34021001102 $34,348
34021001200 $61,638
34021001300 $58,569
34021001401 $24,338
34021001402 $53,200
34021001500 $34,000
34021001600 $47,723
34021001700 $44,564
34021001800 $49,457
34021001900 $41,000
34021002000 $41,449
34021002100 $30,359
34021002200 $62,545
34021002500 $74,114
34021002601 $78,954
34021002602 $92,617
34021002701 $70,598
34021002702 $82,809
34021002800 $79,115
34021002902 $71,812
34021002903 $127,012
34021002904 $116,286
34021003001 $99,328
34021003002 $122,924
34021003003 $83,367
34021003004 $92,662
34021003006 $114,218
34021003007 $130,495
34021003008 $110,045
34021003009 $73,297
34021003100 $73,132
34021003201 $117,995
34021003202 $121,319
34021003301 $140,787
34021003303 $128,758
34021003304 $236,207
34021003400 $62,034
34021003500 $77,171
34021003601 $74,595
34021003602 $65,410
34021003703 $105,838
34021003704 $131,812
34021003706 $81,652
34021003707 $79,973
34021003708 $88,676
34021003800 $141,090
34021003902 $132,192
34021003903 $140,104
34021003904 $130,109
34021003905 $212,847
34021004000 $122,761
34021004203 $188,785
34021004204 $224,183
34021004205 $201,493
34021004206 $142,466
34021004306 $239,017
34021004307 $197,055
34021004309 $195,455
34021004311 $130,596
34021004312 $189,216
34021004313 $120,250
34021004314 $120,361
34021004315 $371,575
34021004316 $178,800
34021004403 $101,957
34021004404 $108,546
34021004406 $79,810
34021004407 $108,644
34021004408 $169,510
34021004409 $92,624
34021004501 $150,521
34021004502 $116,071
34021980000 $375,000

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Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.