Female Median Age

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Female Median Age

Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 5, 2024trentonhealthteam.thehcn.net

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21.5 - 30.9
30.9 - 37.9
37.9 - 43.2
43.2 - 49.5
49.5 - 57.2
Census Place (City)sort column Yearssort column
Trenton 35.0
Statesort column Yearssort column
New Jersey 42.4
Countysort column Yearssort column
Mercer 41.3
Census Tractsort column Yearssort column
34021000100 37.1
34021000200 30.9
34021000300 33.4
34021000400 30.9
34021000500 30.4
34021000600 34.8
34021000700 30.4
34021000800 30.1
34021000900 37.3
34021001000 36.6
34021001101 43.2
34021001102 37.1
34021001200 39.8
34021001300 44.3
34021001401 36.1
34021001402 41.1
34021001500 37.3
34021001600 33.8
34021001700 36.4
34021001800 39.0
34021001900 32.9
34021002000 34.1
34021002100 34.5
34021002200 33.2
34021002500 39.7
34021002601 36.5
34021002602 40.5
34021002701 39.9
34021002702 46.0
34021002800 36.8
34021002902 40.7
34021002903 41.5
34021002904 50.9
34021003001 47.9
34021003002 51.9
34021003003 53.4
34021003004 51.1
34021003006 46.8
34021003007 45.1
34021003008 52.5
34021003009 52.4
34021003100 42.8
34021003201 34.2
34021003202 53.3
34021003301 50.3
34021003303 36.7
34021003304 55.1
34021003400 41.1
34021003500 44.3
34021003601 44.7
34021003602 41.4
34021003703 23.4
34021003704 49.5
34021003706 50.1
34021003707 50.2
34021003708 46.6
34021003800 48.5
34021003902 47.4
34021003903 47.9
34021003904 47.9
34021003905 47.1
34021004000 39.3
34021004203 48.3
34021004204 35.9
34021004205 47.8
34021004206 45.6
34021004306 43.0
34021004307 42.7
34021004309 40.7
34021004311 42.3
34021004312 41.9
34021004313 36.5
34021004314 37.9
34021004315 44.7
34021004316 56.6
34021004403 40.2
34021004404 41.0
34021004406 47.7
34021004407 41.6
34021004408 47.7
34021004409 39.7
34021004501 21.5
34021004502 57.2
34021980000 29.9
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.