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Measurement Period: 2024
Data Source: Claritas
July 3, 2024trentonhealthteam.thehcn.net

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1 - 528
528 - 881
881 - 1,201
1,201 - 1,592
1,592 - 2,118
Census Place (City)sort column Familiessort column
Trenton 18,426
Statesort column Familiessort column
New Jersey 2,377,600
Countysort column Familiessort column
Mercer 92,783
Census Tractsort column Familiessort column
34021000100 655
34021000200 836
34021000300 978
34021000400 1,192
34021000500 961
34021000600 1,109
34021000700 792
34021000800 512
34021000900 820
34021001000 570
34021001101 498
34021001102 730
34021001200 914
34021001300 761
34021001401 988
34021001402 413
34021001500 604
34021001600 272
34021001700 881
34021001800 815
34021001900 330
34021002000 328
34021002100 1,125
34021002200 1,341
34021002500 1,793
34021002601 1,053
34021002602 1,051
34021002701 1,003
34021002702 1,656
34021002800 1,592
34021002902 1,242
34021002903 1,029
34021002904 1,559
34021003001 1,845
34021003002 1,800
34021003003 1,899
34021003004 1,634
34021003006 1,664
34021003007 984
34021003008 1,387
34021003009 1,314
34021003100 1,088
34021003201 1,459
34021003202 1,484
34021003301 1,869
34021003303 1,639
34021003304 505
34021003400 656
34021003500 1,701
34021003601 815
34021003602 716
34021003703 968
34021003704 740
34021003706 1,085
34021003707 277
34021003708 1,369
34021003800 1,900
34021003902 528
34021003903 704
34021003904 1,793
34021003905 1,262
34021004000 1,189
34021004203 1,155
34021004204 977
34021004205 1,201
34021004206 603
34021004306 1,403
34021004307 1,688
34021004309 1,324
34021004311 1,683
34021004312 881
34021004313 1,346
34021004314 1,440
34021004315 977
34021004316 1,441
34021004403 1,411
34021004404 1,978
34021004406 1,580
34021004407 2,118
34021004408 1,193
34021004409 1,006
34021004501 377
34021004502 323
34021980000 1
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.